Certification "Travel for All
In order to enable every guest to receive advice in a pleasant atmosphere, our Tourist information barrier-free for people with walking disabilities and partially barrier-free for wheelchair users. The entrance door is at least 90 cm wide, has no threshold and opens automatically. The entire entrance area is stepless and visually contrasted with its surroundings. The path to the service area has a gradient of 10% and a length of five meters. Anyone who is unable to negotiate the ramp alone can use the bell at the bottom left of the entrance so that a member of staff from the tourist information office can come to their aid.
The service area has a lowered counter area which is 75 cm high at its lowest point in order to make it easier to access by wheelchair users, and there is also an induction loop for the hard of hearing.
Our tourist information office is certified with the "Travel for All" award.
Clara Abelmann (l.), City & Tourism Management, and Melanie Kinter (r.), Head of Tourist Information & Ticketing, welcome Ms. Runte and Mr. Solz from the Gütersloh Disability Advisory Council to the Tourist Information Office.
You can find more information about the "Travel for All" certification viewed here.
- Cover and article image: Gütersloh Marketing GmbH