Gütersloh celebrates 2025 city anniversary - celebrate with us!

In 2025, Gütersloh will celebrate 200 years of city rights. To mark the occasion, all citizens are invited to contribute their own ideas for the celebrations and help shape the city's anniversary. Because the city's anniversary should above all be a celebration by citizens for citizens.

Do you already have a concept for the city anniversary 2025? Apply now using the form "Your concept for the city anniversary 2025" and take the opportunity to receive funding!

Between 25.03.2024 and 01.05.2024, private individuals, associations and other groups (excluding companies) have the opportunity to apply for funding to implement their concept for the city anniversary 2025. Suitable concepts will be selected by a jury based on set criteria. The amount of funding depends on the concept submitted and the number of submissions. Implementation is the responsibility of the funding recipient. Written proof of expenditure is a prerequisite and must be returned in the event of non-compliance.

Participation deadline expired - no further concepts can be accepted.

You already have a fixed project that should be part of the 200 celebrations? Then submit your project now using the form "Your project for the city anniversary 2025" in!

We will get back to you shortly with further information on the inclusion of your project!

Following the first ideas workshop in November, interested parties now have the opportunity to take part in the sequel. On Tuesday, April 16 from 5 p.m., existing ideas can be worked out and new ideas initiated in the town hall. Would you like to take part in the ideas workshop? Then register now via the Form of the city of Gütersloh to.

Christina Junkerkalefeld Head of City and Tourism Management Phone: 05241 211 36 35 E-mail: citymanagement@guetersloh-marketing.de Profil
Die Herleitung des Logos

Schon auf den ersten Blick wird deutlich, was das Logo aussagen möchte: Gütersloh wird 200 Jahre und das wird gefeiert!

Für die bunten, an Konfetti erinnernden Elemente, wurde das Stadtlogo in seine Einzelteile zerlegt. Bei der Farbwahl wurden die Stadtfarben blau und grün gewählt, sowie das Rot aus dem Stadtwappen. Die weiteren Farben stammen jeweils aus den Farbfamilien.

Auch die Anzahl der Einzelteile ist kein Zufall. Genau 200 Teilchen weist das Logo auf, jedes von ihnen steht für eines der 200 Highlights, die Teil des Jubiläums sind und im Jahr 2025 umgesetzt werden.