Are you an organiser and need help in planning an event in a public area here in Gütersloh? Then you've come to the right place!
In addition to our own event planning, we would also be pleased to advise other event organizers, clubs, districts, institutions, etc. with the planning and organization of their events. Particularly in the current situation, the event industry is facing more challenges than ever, but we are sure of one thing: Together we can do it!
From the Gütersloh Spring to the Gütersloh Christmas Market to children's flea markets – the list of gtm's various events is long! We can therefore draw on a wealth of experience and provide you with expertise in a wide variety of formats.
We will clarify questions such as: "What would be a suitable date? Who do I need to contact? Which authorities do I need to inform? Have I thought about everything?" with you and provide you with tips for a successful event.
In addition to providing free advice and assistance with organizational tasks, gtm will also assist you with the application, and will include your event in "Auf Schlür“ online event calendar.
You will therefore be well prepared and your event can take place!
Please feel free to contact us!
- Cover picture: Besim Mazhiqi