C-City - Europe is next door

The big kick-off event for the C-City Conference at the Stadthalle Gütersloh

What is C-City?

The project:
Exchanging creative ideas, spinning them out and creating a large network: that's the transnational cultural project C-City - Europe is next door. No matter how far the distance between two countries, how much their geographical location shapes their cultural self-image - they are always connected by one thing: the language of culture. The initiators of the C-City project in Gütersloh were inspired by this bridge-building element.

The kick-off event with workshops, lectures and excursions took place in Gütersloh from May 12 to 14, 2022. The aim was to establish a network in which cultural projects would be implemented annually starting in 2025 - in individual actions, but also simultaneously in various partner cities.

The actors:

All citizens from Gütersloh and the partner cities who, in addition to the municipal organizers, would like to become a supporting moment of C-City: Associations, groups, organizations - all are cordially invited.

What happens:
The kick-off conference served to get to know each other better and develop ideas for joint projects. From May 12 to 14, 2022 in Gütersloh on site - then in 2025 at the latest in a variety of ways and spanning Europe: active or in the audience, analog or digital. Through mutual visits or through the transmission possibilities of the Internet, borderlessness will be lived and the principle of "Think out of the Box" will be made the order of the day.
In Gütersloh, work will be done on the following overarching themes: Music, History and Customs, Sports, Food and Lifestyle, Exhibitions, and Theater and Literature.

The goal:
The idea "Cultural-City - Europe is next door" will not only create culture that overcomes (language) barriers. C-City is also an active contribution to peace work, because each person becomes aware of his or her identity and responsibility as a European.

You can find more information about C-City here.

You can find a detailed description of the C-City idea as a film viewed here.

Twin cities


